DMCA Counter Notice
My seller ID is: 卖家标记
The seller account number is: 注册邮箱
Complaint ID: 投诉编号
Full Legal Name:姓名
Address : 街道地址
Country :China
Postal Code:邮编
Phone Number:手机
Email Address :邮箱
Date on which content was removed:被删除的日期
Identify the material that was removed or disabled, and the location where it appeared before it was removed or disabled:
被删除的 ASIN ,有几个写几个
1)I declare under penalty of perjury that I have a good faith belief that the material was removed or disabled as a result of mistake or misidentification of the material to be removed or disabled.
2)I consent to the jurisdiction of Federal District Court for the judicial district in which my address is located, or if my address is outside of the United States, for any judicial district in which Amazon may be found.
Dear Amazon Team,
We received a policy warning stated that Amazon has removed some images form our site because of a rights owner complaint about image(s) that infringe its intellectual property rights.
Complaint ID:
The picture that Amazon has removed:
We always work hard to assure we are meeting the standards set by Amazon and our own standards of quality customer service, it is hard for us to believe that our images infringe others' intellectual property rights. All the photos of this item (ASIN: B01DKFMSEW) was taken and designed by our designer.
Firstly, we contact the rights owner directly to resolve this dispute. We asked the right owner review the pictures,finally, he found that the picture is from us, below is the screenshoot of our e-mail.(Have attached)
Email 1: 邮件链接
Email 2: 邮件链接
Secondly, We have advised the rights owner to contact Amazon at counter-notice@amazon.com to withdraw the complaint.(I have mentioned it in e-mail)
Thirdly, we can provide all the photo and source file as an evidence.(Please see the attachment)
1. Photo
Taken From:
Shooting Time:
Shooting Location:
2. Source File: You can see how we processing the picutre in Photoshop.
Please review this case, and we are looing for a fair and just reply.If you need additional details, please kindly contact us, we will reply you in the first time.
Best Regards